Air cooler in lowest cost

Mr.M.B.Lal,journalist had invented a A/C in lowest cost for poor people.And also many advantages are there in this A/C Like,

  • Can use in power cut time ( The A/C will work with even Car battery ) .
  • Eco - Friendly ( Becoz other normal A/C's are polluting the Air ) .
  • Low cost to make this new A/C.
But, I dont think that it will be usefull for industrial purpose. Click here to watch this video to know more about it...

Now, heat water through your air conditioner

Inventors don't usually make housecalls, but for Philip Lee, his invention hopes to revolutionize how people live - one home at a time.

Architect Mohammed Jaafar is one of these people. Lee has created a heat recovery system which channels waste heat from air conditioners to heat water.

For Jaafar that means he and his family save energy and money while enjoying the cool comforts of air conditioning.

The moment they turn on their air conditioner, the waste heat is harnessed.

Within minutes, they have access to hot water, at no extra cost. For now, the small-scale production means the cost of the system runs high, as does the skepticism.

Why outsource?

It is the role of facility management partner of the organization to ensure that everything is available and operating properly for building occupants to do their business.The facility manager generally has the most influence upon the quality of life within a facility . The innovations in the area are significant. The third largest expense of an organization is directly reported related to real estate and facility management. Effective facilities management in an organization saves millions of dollars to the company. The most valuable investment an organization needs to make for an efficient FMS is to choose a right partner to outsource its facility management. This will surely maximize the company's returns on investment. A single service provider is relatively new idea but many of organizations are getting used it.

What is facilities management?

In general facility management is the management of buildings and services, which includes "hard services" and "soft services." Hard services includes engineering services, electro mechanical services, plumbing & water management, energy & safety services. Soft services includes house keeping, garden & lawn , pest control, waste management, vendor management, mail room services, staffing solutions, hospitality services, security services, etc. The term "property management" is referred to larger commercial properties where the management and operation is more complex.

Importance Of Facilities Management

"Organizations worldwide are realizing the importance of efficient infrastructure, facilities and an effective system to optimize productivity and profits. "

"Over the last five years facilities are improved in India significantly. Facilities Management is about managing people and places to achieve best value for money by balancingbetween user needs and business needs to achieve optimum organizational effectiveness."

Facilities Management - Definition

Facilities Management is about managing people and places to achieve best value for money by balancing between user needs and business needs to achieve optimum organizational effectiveness. In order to optimize productivity and profits it is crucial to have efficient and effective facilities management.